Company Profile
The DENEX-GmbH was founded by Reinhard Kampmann in 2011.
DENEX develops and manufacturers position-sensitive detectors as well as electronic components
and software needed to perform measurements with neutrons or photons. All components are
continuously improved in accordance with the general progress in technology.
Today DENEX is one of the international market leaders providing neutron and X-ray detectors as
well as associated electronics and software. Currently detectors made by DENEX are used world wide for
neutron and X-ray scattering (small-angle scattering, reflectometry, analyses of texture and strains
as well as powder diffraction) by leading research institutes.
DENEX supports its customers by scientific advice and personal contact, and offers all customers
training courses and seminars in company-owned rooms.
DENEX issues on all products a guarantee with a period of at least one year.
©2011 DENEX-GmbH